Archive for: Hillsboro

Molly Baca

Molly Baca was born on a goat farm in Chloride in 1931. When she was 3, her family moved to Hillsboro, where her father made a living first by panning for gold and then as Probate Judge. Her mother cleaned famous “madame” Sadie Orchard’s Hotel. Molly also worked with her stepfather during his tenure at the Ladder Ranch. She and her husband eventually settled in Hot Springs.

Boom & Bust

The story of the mining boom that energized and built Sierra County, New Mexico.

Headlights and Taillights

A collection of images and interesting facts relating to Sierra County, dating from the late 1800s to 1959.

Discussion of the Carrie Tingley Hospital is just after the 11:30 mark.

Embree “Sonny” Hale

Embree “Sonny” Hale was born and raised in Sierra County.  In this interview he recalls his memories, mostly about Hillsboro and Monticello.